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Maut in Österreich - Stadt am See

Tolls in Austria

What you should know about toll charges in Austria

Tolls in Austria

Are you planning a trip through Austria and want to set off without a care in the world? Then you should definitely know about which motorway and toll charges apply in Austria.

  • The use of motorways and motorways in Austria is subject to vignettes for motorbikes, cars, motorhomes, buses and lorries up to 3.5 tonnes. Vignettes are available for revival and as a digital version, e.g. from our partner
  • For mountain passes such as the Brennerautobahn A13 or the Tauernautobahn A10 as well as tunnels such as the Felbertauerntunnel or the Arlbergtunnel, additional tolls apply in Austria.
  • Vehicles over 3.5t - motorhomes or trucks - can use our toll box for motorhomes and vehicles over 3 metres high or our toll box for commercial trucks over 3m high and over 3.5t in weight in Austria.

Information at a glance

  • In Austria, tolls are compulsory on all motorways and motorways.

  • You can choose between an adhesive toll sticker or a digital e-vignette.

  • On special toll routes (e.g. tunnels or pass roads), an additional fee must be paid.

Motorway tolls in Austria

Toll in Austria: How the digital e-vignette works

If you find sticking and scratching off a nuisance, you can rejoice: because since 2017, Austria has also had the digital e-vignette (more information e.g. on 

  • Registration takes place via the number plate, which is why the e-vignette is linked to the number plate. The digital version is available at all participating sales outlets, or online at our partner

  • The digital e-vignette can be used at all open toll lanes. The lanes marked green may only be used with the digital vignette, although this only applies to cars without trailers with a maximum width of 2 metres.

  • If a vehicle is not recognised by the system during the check despite a valid vignette (e.g. due to a dirty number plate), the driver will be diverted to another handling lane.

☛ Attention

If you cannot show a vignette, you will have to pay a replacement toll of €120. Payment of the fine must be made directly at the checkpoint, otherwise this will result in administrative penal proceedings with high costs of up to € 3,000.

Vignette obligation - exceptions and motorhomes

Except for the following exceptions, Austrian motorways and motorways are subject to tolls (extra tolls are charged for some special toll routes):
  • A1 Westautobahn: border crossing Walserberg to Salzburg-Nord
  • A14: Rheintal/Walgau motorway: Hörbranz border crossing to Hohenems
  • A12: Inntal motorway: border crossing Kiefersfelden to Kufstein-Süd
The maximum permissible total weight of the towing vehicle is decisive for the vignette obligation: up to and including 3.5 t you need an (e-)vignette for your vehicle (trailers do not require a toll sticker). 

Motorhomes up to and including 3.5 t mwa require a vignette, motorhomes over 3.5 t, on the other hand, pay a route-dependent toll and must be equipped with a suitable toll box.

Note for motorhomes: Since 1 December 2023, the calculation of the toll obligation in Austria is no longer based on the maximum permissible gross weight (hzG) but on the technically permissible gross mass (tzGm). In future, the technically permissible maximum laden mass (tzGm) will determine whether a vehicle is subject to the vignette obligation or route toll (up to 3.5 tonnes tzGm) or the GO toll obligation (more than 3.5 tonnes tzGm). 

Transitional period until 31 January 2029: For all vehicles registered before 1 December 2023 

  • with a technically permissible maximum laden mass of more than 3.5 tonnes were registered for the first time and  
  • with a maximum permissible laden weight of no more than 3.5 tonnes, 

the vignette obligation and route toll for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes (tzGm) will continue to apply until 31 January 2029 (§ 33 Para. 18 Z 8 BStMG).

Tolls in Austria: Prices

Prices for vignettes in Austria

Vignettes for motor vehicles up to 3.5 t mwa are available as a classic vignette - to stick on the windscreen - as well as in digital form - where the registration number of the vehicle is registered in advance.

Prices for vignettes 2025

Motorcycle Car Motorhome
Yearly e-vignette 41,50 € 103,80 € 103,80 €
2-month e-vignette 12,40 € 31,10 € 31,10 €
10-Day e-vignette 5,00 € 12,40 € 12,40 €
NEW: 1-Day e-vignette 3,70 € 9,30 € 9,30 €

Good to know

The annual vignette is always valid from December before to January after the calendar year printed on it, e.g. for 2025 from 1 December 2024 to 31 January 2026. The other vignette variants 2-month and 10-day as well as the new 1-day vignette, on the other hand, are valid for a specific period that can be freely selected.

The classic adhesive toll sticker must be affixed to the inside of the windscreen so that it is clearly visible and can be checked from the outside. If you are travelling by motorbike, you must stick the vignette on a smooth area that is difficult to replace.

Vignettes are best removed after their validity has expired to avoid problems during checks.

Special tolls

For the following special toll routes in tunnels, on pass roads and car transport, separate tolls are payable:


Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Single ticket 11,50 € 11,50 € 11,50 € 11,50 €

Travel advice: From April to November 2024, the Arlberg tunnel will be closed for renovation work.

Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Single ticket 12,00 € 13,50 € 13,50 € 13,50 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Gleinalm tunnel (Single ticket) 10,50 € 10,50 € 10,50 € 10,50 €
Bosruck tunnel (Single ticket) 6,50 € 6,50 € 6,50 € 6,50 €
Pyhrn total / Gleinalm tunnel & Bosruck tunnel (Single ticket) 17,00 € 17,00 € 17,00 € 17,00 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Single ticket 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 €


Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Innsbruck - Brennerpass - Lake Brennero and vice versa 11,00 € 11,00 € 11,00 € 11,00 €
Innsbruck - Zenzenhof - Lake Brennero and vice versa 1,00 € 1,00 € 1,00 € 1,00 €
Innsbruck - Patsch / Europabrücke - Nösslach and vice versa 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 €
Innsbruck - Stubaital and vice versa 3,50 € 3,50 € 3,50 € 3,50 €
Matrei - Brenner Pass and vice versa 5,50 € 5,50 € 5,50 € 5,50 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Day ticket 8,50 € 12,00 € 12,00 € 19,50 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Day ticket 33,00 € 43,00 € 43,00 € ab 52,50 €
Day ticket Electric vehicles 28,00 € 35,50 € 35,50 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Yearly e-vignette 14,50 € 18,00 € 25,50€
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Total distance (Tauern tunnel & Katschberg tunnel) 13,50 € 13,50 € 13,50 € 13,50 €
St. Michael - Rennweg and vice versa (Katschberg tunnel) 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 €
St. Michael - Flachau and vice versa (Tauern tunnel) 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 €
Zedernhaus - Flachau and vice versa (Tauern tunnel) 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 €
Motorcycle Car Motorhome up to 3,5 t mwa Motorhome over 3,5 t mwa
Single trip 17,00 € 19,00 € 19,00 € 30,00 €
Round trip 23,00 € 26,00 € 26,00 € -

Car transport
Motorcycle Car Motorhome Trucks
Single ticket incl. people 20,40 € 20,40 € 20,40 € 32,50 €

(t mwa = maximum weight allowed in tonnes)
All prices are without guarantee

Important travel advice:

Tolls for vehicles over 3.5 t

For all motor vehicles over 3.5 t mwa, the toll is collected electronically on all motorways and motorways in Austria with the help of toll boxes. It is calculated according to:

  • the kilometres driven
  • the number of axles
  • the Euro emission class

How it works ...

  1. The toll box, which is attached to the inside of the windscreen, regularly exchanges data with the contol stations on the motorways and motorways while driving.
  2. At all toll stations that can be crossed with a telepass, there are antennas that transmit a signal. If there is a toll box suitable for Austria in your motorhome over 3,5 t maximum weight allowed or commercial truck, the signal from the toll box is responded to.
  3. The control station recognises that it is a toll box for large motorhomes over 3 metres high or a truck toll box for commercial vehicles from and sends us the corresponding toll transaction. This contains measured data records according to which your toll is calculated - such as Euro emission class, vehicle class, engine type, number of axles.
  4. We take over the settlement of the toll fees vis-à-vis the toll operators and send you a transparent invoice for all the transactions we receive from the control stations you pass through.
The special toll routes Brenner, Tauern and Pyhrn motorways (Bosruck and Gleinalm tunnels), Karawanken tunnel in the north-south direction as well as the Arlberg tunnel can also be travelled through with the toll box for large motorhomes over 3 metres high or truck toll box for commercial vehicles from and settled automatically.

The blue marked "GO lanes" at the toll booths (on the far right in the direction of travel) can be used without stopping.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the toll in Austria

Yes, on the A1, A12 and A14 German motorists can drive as far as Salzburg or Kufstein (connection to Kitzbühel) without buying a vignette.

Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of over 3.5 tonnes must pay the toll in Austria on a route-based basis using a toll box. A certain amount is charged per kilometre driven, a.o. depending on the EURO emission class and the number of axles. All other vehicles are subject to vignettes on toll routes in Austria. Vignettes are small stickers that are affixed to the car's windscreen, or more simply registered digitally, and are valid for a certain period of time (e.g. 1 month).

No, the digital vignette costs the same as the conventional adhesive vignette.

If you are caught on an Austrian motorway without a valid vignette, you have to pay a replacement toll of 120 euros for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes. For motorbikes, the replacement toll is 65 euros.

The toll sticker must have been purchased before you drive on - either online or as a vignette that is affixed to the windscreen. The toll in Austria is compulsory. Those who do not comply with the rules must expect high replacement toll payments.

Tollbox from - one box for many countries

Small device - big effect! With our toll box for large motorhomes over 3 metres high or our truck toll box for commercial vehicles, you can relax while driving on all motorways and motorways in Austria and just as easily use the special toll routes throughout Austria - because the payment of tolls is completely automatic.

Our toll box over 3 metres high can be used not only in Austria but also in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.

Do you still have questions? In our FAQ you find answers or please feel free to contact  us.

In the blog you will find more tips and advice from the team as well as additional travel information for your next holiday.

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