The best tips for newcomers to travelling with a camper or motorhome:

Camping offers freedom and flexibility on holiday - what details to look out for?

by Florian König, - 06 August 2024

Discover more remote places in your destination or spontaneously plan a well-deserved holiday on the spot. This is what travelling by camper and motorhome offers, plus well-developed campsites, the opportunity to go on excursions in a wide variety of landscapes and spend cosy evenings in your second home. 

But before you set off on your first holiday with your motorhome or camper van, newcomers have a few questions: How does electricity and water actually work? What do I need to consider when choosing a pitch and route? What do I need to pack? How do I dispose of the service water? 

This article is intended to help all beginners to organise their free time in their mobile home with an overview in advance so that they can enjoy every moment of their holiday in a relaxed manner while on the move!

The trend towards travelling with a camper or motorhome continues unabated

In 2023, campsites in Germany recorded a new visitor record with over 42 million overnight stays. This corresponds to an increase of around five percent compared to the previous year 2022 - and around 18 percent more travellers than in the pre-corona year 2019. 

The industry's fears that camping could suffer a setback in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic - a phase in which many people have rediscovered camping for themselves - have thus not materialised.

A pro tip in advance for all camping beginners

Before considering buying a motorhome, it is advisable to hire a motorhome or camper from one of the rental companies and test it out on a "shorter" trip. This way you can get an initial feel for whether mobile travelling suits your travel and comfort requirements at all. You should not only think about nice weather, but also take into account rainy days that you will have to "sit out" in the campervan!

Which vehicles may be driven with which driving licence?

The year of issue of the driving licence is decisive here; anyone who obtained a driving licence before 1.1.1999 may also drive larger motorhomes with more than 3.5 tonnes (more precisely, up to 7.49 tonnes). 

Anyone who obtained their driving licence after this deadline may only drive vehicles up to a total weight of 3.5 tonnes. This limit is to be raised as part of the 4. driving licence directive, which is currently being discussed in the EU, will soon be raised to 4.24 tonnes. 

For driving larger and, above all, heavier motorhomes with a total weight of more than 3.5 tonnes, a separate HGV driving licence would have to be obtained. Wohnmobil vor Bergen

The first motorhome tour is coming up, how do I choose the best destination?

An important decision for the first camping holiday is the choice of destination. Your own preferences can help here: Do you prefer summer with the sea or cooler with snow and winter sports? 

You are very flexible with your new mobile home! But please don't overdo it on your first trip with the motorhome, for example with the length of the route. 

So if you want to set off to soak up the sun, it's best to plan a holiday in Italy or Croatia due to the short journey. Areas such as Norway, Finland and the Alpine region are ideal for winter camping. 

On a holiday in the Alps, whether in summer or winter, you also benefit from a short journey. What's more, you don't have to worry about traffic regulations, road construction or communication. 

The most important thing is not to cover too much distance in one day on your first tour! After all, there is a lot to discover on the routes and unexpected places worth seeing that invite you to make a spontaneous stop.

It makes sense to check the technology before every trip

Regardless of whether you are travelling in a camper or motorhome, the technology in your vehicle should work perfectly. After all, you want to enjoy a relaxing holiday and not be stranded on arrival due to a defect or breakdown. Therefore, especially after a longer break from driving, e.g. over the winter, the following points should be checked: 

  • Oil level, coolant and brake fluid, 
  • Windscreen wiper fluid level, 
  • Tread and air pressure in the tyres (increases safety and reduces fuel consumption) 
  • Function of the vehicle lighting (visible despite bicycle rack at the rear?), 
  • Secure all gas cylinders and water tanks on board (securely closed and stowed?), 
  • Important for straight alignment at the parking space: spirit level, supports and/or drive-on wedges, 
  • For the electrical supply: CEE cable reel and Schuko and possibly foreign adapters.

Take your time to familiarise yourself with the new vehicle and the dimensions/weights

Anyone going on holiday in a motorhome or larger camper for the first time should familiarise themselves with the vehicle, its operation and its new dimensions before embarking on a long journey. For example, the braking, cornering and acceleration behaviour can differ considerably from that of a smaller car. 

It is advisable to do the first few laps on familiar routes with rather wide roads and only then venture into the "finer" driving tasks such as manoeuvring, parking or reversing. 

This applies regardless of whether the motorhome has been rented, borrowed from friends or bought. At the beginning, even trivial things can cause stress behind the wheel, such as "Where is the light switch?", "How do I switch on the windscreen wipers?", "What does this display in the cockpit mean?" and similar. If you inform yourself in advance, you can concentrate more quickly on enjoying your journey. 

Extra tip: A note on the dashboard with the dimensions of the motorhome (height, width, length and weight) can help you remember whether the motorhome will fit through the tunnel or over the bridge.

How does it work with water and waste water?

The water system in the caravan should primarily be seen as a supply of service water for washing hands, showers or the toilet and should not be used as drinking water. The reason for this is the fact that it is almost impossible to keep the pipes, in which water always remains, completely free of germs. 

For drinking water for brushing your teeth, making coffee or tea or preparing meals, it is best to fill several 5-10 litre water canisters that can be refilled again and again on the go. 

Saving tip: For the start of the journey, it is best to empty the waste water tank completely and the service water tank almost empty. This saves many kilograms of initially useless weight and therefore fuel. For the journey to the campsite itself, 20 - 40 litres are sufficient for going to the toilet or washing your hands on the way. However, if you prefer to camp away from civilisation, the water tank should be well filled… Wohnmobil Abwasser entsorgen

What do the terms black water and grey water mean when camping? 

To put it simply, black water is everything that ends up in the toilet and then in the faeces tank and is finally collected in the so-called cassette. Grey water, on the other hand, is the wastewater from the sink and shower. 

To dispose of black water, the cassette is removed through an external compartment on the motorhome. Thanks to its castors, it can be easily pulled across the campsite to the disposal station for chemical toilets using a handle. 

The waste water or grey water is located in a fixed tank on the floor of the vehicle and is drained by a lever (or drain button in the vehicle) at the campsite via a floor inlet provided for this purpose, but sometimes tools are also required to drain the waste water. 

Hint: Don't forget to close the valve after emptying, otherwise the waste water will run directly onto the pitch the next time you cook or take a shower!

Packing a motorhome: "As little as possible and as much as necessary"

Although a motorhome or campervan is more or less a mobile home, space is limited. Especially for the first trip, it makes sense to allow yourself enough time to pack and to consider which items are necessary and where they are best stowed.

Probably the experience of many travellers: you always pack too much. The "onion principle" approach is particularly advantageous for camping, so that only about 7 days' worth of clothes are packed for a 2-week trip. It's a good idea to choose these so that you can combine T-shirts and trousers again and again. 

Don't forget a wind and rain jacket, rain cover for your rucksack, hiking boots, comfortable trainers and slippers for the shower at the campsite. 

The other basic equipment should be based on the number of people travelling with you: two chairs, 1-2 sets of cutlery, glasses, cups and plates are sufficient for two people. 

For the journey, all luggage should be stowed safely and non-slip, heavy items should always be stowed downwards (e.g. with tension belts), lighter items upwards, crockery and other items should be firmly secured in the shelves (e.g. with non-slip mats and foam around bottles and glasses) so that none of it can become dangerous in the event of emergency braking.

One limit must always be observed: the permissible total weight

Even if information on the permissible total weight of 3.5 tonnes sounds like a lot compared to a car with perhaps 1.5 tonnes, the buffer for the maximum possible payload can quickly be exhausted. In addition to water and waste water as well as gas bottles, clothing and provisions, sports equipment such as bicycles or surfing gear, camping accessories such as chairs and tables or barbecue equipment can quickly increase the weight. 

To be absolutely sure that the maximum permissible weight, even for a driving licence of up to 3.5 tonnes, has been adhered to, it is advisable to take a fully loaded vehicle to Dekra or TÜV for weighing. Alternatively, this is usually also possible on request at building yards or large companies. 

To save weight on the journey, most of the food and drink can be bought on site. The only thing to bear in mind may be higher prices in the holiday region or the time available for shopping after arrival. In future, weight could also play a role in Germany.

Travel planning: choose shorter stages and arrive relaxed

There is certainly a great desire to get to your destination as quickly as possible. However, this destination is often several hours' drive or even over 1000 kilometres away - and with a camper or caravan, you can't drive anywhere near as fast as you might be used to when travelling by car. It is therefore better to make the journey the destination and plan several shorter stages including an overnight stay. 

The advantage is that all travellers remain more relaxed and can familiarise themselves better with the motorhome. In addition, even the journey to your holiday can be relaxing and one or two sights can be included along the way. 

Before travelling abroad in a new vehicle, you should check the country-specific traffic regulations, e.g. a toll sticker is required for motorways in Austria and Switzerland, and countries such as Italy and France charge tolls based on the distance driven at toll stations. This can be paid in cash or by credit card or - with considerably more convenience - via a toll box fitted in the vehicle. 

If the motorhome weighs more than 3.5 tonnes, a Go-Box is required instead of a vignette in addition to the corresponding driving licence in Austria. 

For Italy and Spain safety plates on the bike rack, in France Blind spot stickers and in various holiday countries one high-visibility waistcoat per person in the vehicle are mandatory. 

If you are travelling with your pet, you should also check the applicable rules and regulations, e.g. regarding vaccinations, compulsory use of a lead or a muzzle at your destination. Wohnmobil im Abendlicht auf Landstraße

Timing is important - it's best to avoid peak travelling times!

For longer trips during the main summer holiday season, either the very early morning hours before commuters or other holidaymakers set off or the evening hours when the majority of travellers have already arrived at their destination are ideal. 

Tip for using online navigation such as Google Maps, Waze or Apple Maps: Before setting off, always check which route options are set (e.g. "motorways only" or "fastest route") and whether these are suitable for travelling with a motorhome or camper. Perhaps you want to drive beautiful panoramic routes or "experience" great landscapes away from the motorways. In addition, it can quickly become stressful with a trailer if the sat nav lands you in a narrow alley in the old town of a city… 

The good old printed route atlas is helpful here, as you can check where the planned route leads along the way. Good tips can also be given by locals with whom you can strike up a conversation on the journey.

Which (digital) accessories are useful for travelling?

Before the big trip, it also helps to pause for a moment and think about what accessories you will need while travelling. If you want to be able to barbecue or cook, or if you want more space at your pitch, an awning or separate tent makes sense? 

The old saying "you can buy everything on the go" is (almost) always true, but in any case it will be more expensive than planned and who wants to have things twice afterwards? 

As digital accessories, there are numerous apps for finding pitches or for travel tips, e.g. from Campercontact, Landvergnügen, Park4Night, Promobil Stellplatz-Radar, ADAC Stellplatzführer, iOverlander or AlpacaCamping. Just try out a few and keep your favourite(s).

Our packing list for useful camping accessories:

  • Slippers or flip-flops for showering 
  • Lighter in case the flint on the gas cooker fails. 
  • Headlamp/torch for the night 
  • Fairy lights or candles for the ambience (Do not drive off until the wax is solid!) 
  • Leatherman or multifunctional tool for minor repairs 
  • Camera, accessories and tripod for capturing motifs 
  • Discount cards for campsites 
  • Depending on the country: a toll box for fast travelling and convenient billing of toll charges, e.g. for Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and/or Austria.

Booking pitches: best in advance

What is the disadvantage of popular holiday destinations? That they are almost always fully booked during the high season! 

That's why you shouldn't just set off in the hope that you'll be able to find a place at your desired destination. It is best to book as far in advance as possible, at least the first few stages for a round trip. 

Criteria such as water supply, waste disposal and sanitary facilities, which can be filtered according to in campsite guides, help when choosing a campsite. 

Each site also has its own rules and site regulations, which you should read through before you arrive so that you can really enjoy your time. Respectful and friendly interaction with the other campers on site should be a matter of course! 

If possible, a pitch for the motorhome in the shade is recommended. Nothing is more unpleasant than being woken up in the morning by the heat of the sun. Wohnmobile am Campingplatz

Take time to set up the campsite

If it's your first time on a campsite with a motorhome, you first need to find your bearings: Where can I find fresh water? How does the power supply work? Where are the sanitary facilities? Am I allowed to barbecue? 

Helpful answers can be found in the campsite rules, the campsite management or other campers on site. 

Strength lies in tranquillity; this applies in particular to the alignment of the motorhome or camper, which should ideally be level, facing in the same direction as its neighbours and secured against rolling away. Then connect the water and electricity and switch on the gas bottle. 

Finally, set up the awning or additional tent as well as the camping chairs and table, and you can start your holiday as a new camper.

Conclusion: Relaxed travelling through good preparation

If you take the most helpful tips to heart in advance with a little planning, draw up a packing list and make some preparations (e.g. choosing a destination, researching the rules in the destination country), you can enjoy your first holiday with a motorhome or camper, even as a newcomer, on any campsite! 

We wish you a fantastic (first) camping holiday!

Picture credits : Header picture : @ tronixAS / & Motorhome in front of mountains @ EKH-Pictures / & Waste water tank @ nito / & Motorhome in front of landscape @ / & Campsite @ ThomBal
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